Mystical, Erotic, yet sophisticated. Painting for me is a moment of self discovery; in that moment it’s just me, my paint brush, and my thoughts. I’ve been aspiring to be an artist all my life, and I would say we all start that way. Whether it’s music, sports, or even food, we all have a way of tapping into our creative sides. With my paint brush, I help myself and others surpass societal expectations and limitations. Nudity is a highlighted element within the paintings I create, and it reminds me to always be bare, stay true to who I am, and be comfortable in my own skin Through my art I intend to display taboo topics in a sacred light.

Now, allow my art to reorient your spirit, ignite the creative spark in your mind, and enkindle your body.




The inner spirit of art only uses the outer form of any particular period as a stepping-stone to further expression.
— wassily kandinsky